Photo of Cubitts frames

Cubitts bespoke spectacle auction for Create

14-22 SepSeptember 2024
London, UK

Eyewear brand Cubitts hosts an online auction of nine pairs of glasses frames, specially created by artists and designers to raise money for creative arts charity Create.

Participating eyewear designers include Shona Heath, Laxmi Hussain, Yinka Ilori, David Shrigley, Jaimus Tailor, Erica Toogood, Faye Toogood, Daniel Weil and Wilfrid Wood.

Ahead of the auction, the frames are on display in the brand's Islington Showroom during London Design Festival 2024.

The above photo features frames by Yinka Ilori, David Shrigley, Toogood and Shona Heath, while the listing's homepage image includes frames by Faye and Erica Toogood. Photos are by Richard Round-Turner.

Cubitts bespoke spectacle auction for Create takes place from 14 to 22 September 2024 at Cubitts Islington, 56 Cross Street, London N1 2BA, UK.