Photo of design duo 2LG Studio

Spectrum by 2LG Studio for Hart Shoreditch

27 Aug27 August - 30 Sep30 September 2024
London, UK

London hotel Hart Shoreditch partners with design studio 2LG to create the Spectrum exhibition, exploring human connections and memory attachment to colour.

Marking its 10th anniversary, Jordan Cluroe and Russell Whitehead of 2LG have collaborated with composer Quentin LaChapele, artist Lucy Hardcastle and design brands Sheyn and Kirkby Design to create the exhibition.

Located in spaces across the hotel, the installation incorporates audio, scents and digital art.

Spectrum by 2LG Studio for Hart Shoreditch takes place from 27 August to 30 September 2024 at Hart Shoreditch, 61-67 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3HU, UK.