Wynn Cam

Wynn Cam

Singaporean architect and urban planner Wynn Cam is the director of the firm Morrow Architects and planners and Morrow Technology.

Cam was elected as a Council Member of the Singapore Institute of Planners, served as a board director of the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment, and was appointed as a Think Tank Committee Member for the United Nations Environment Programme – Sustainable Building and Climate Initiative.

With nearly 20 years of practice in Sydney and Singapore, Cam has established himself as a professional in the field of sustainable architecture and urban design. His expertise encompasses a diverse array of project types and scales – from city planning and township development to innovation districts, university campuses, mixed-use complexes, housing precincts, and individual buildings.

Among his notable projects are ESSEC Business School, Jurong Innovation District Master Plan, Guangzhou Knowledge City, Saigon Sports City, and a multi-storey Floating Data Centre in Singapore.


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