Dezeen Magazine

Dezeen 15 festival

Dezeen to celebrate 15th birthday with Dezeen 15 festival

Dezeen turns 15 this year! To mark the occasion, we're going to hold a special digital festival from 1 to 19 November.

The Dezeen 15 festival will last for 15 days and will be a free celebration of the power of architecture and design to change the world.

It will look back at how the world has changed since we launched on 17 November 2006 and forward to how it will change in future.

The festival will feature a dynamic, ground-breaking schedule of activities that will serve as a landmark celebration of our industry and our brand.

Major design competition

In addition, we plan to host a major design competition seeking ideas for how design can reshape our surroundings and our lives.

Dezeen 15 will build on the success of last year's Virtual Design Festival, the world's first digital design festival. This set the global agenda for design, generating over two million page views, two million video plays and winning multiple awards.

It will also serve as a temporary replacement for Dezeen Day, our sell-out conference held in London in October 2019. Intended as an annual event, Dezeen Day could not take place in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

We'll be releasing more details of Dezeen 15 soon. If you're interested in taking part, sponsoring or supporting the festival, email us at