Dezeen Magazine

Bruggenhoofd Chabot by Snodevormgevers

Dutch designers Snodevormgevers and artist Paul Segers have completed a temporary structure allowing visitors to cross a hedge in Rotterdam.


The Bruggenhoofd Chabot (Chabot Bridge) creates a shortcut from the street to the garden of the Chabot Museum.


It will remain in situ until September 27 and the designers are looking for a new home for the bridge after that.


See our story about Snodevormgever's project in Milan earlier this year.


Here's some info from Snodevormgevers:


Bruggenhoofd Chabot is bridge/pass that transports visitors from the street into the garden. It creates a link between the visitor and museum.

The project is in collaboration with the Paul Segers ( and created for the Chabot Museum in Rotterdam (Wereld van Witte de With festival) and is still on display in Rotterdam until September 27, 2009 (opposite the Boymans museum).

The vehicle is eleven meters long by four meters wide and four and half feet high. It is a wooden structure consisting of a passageway with windows. Surmounted on an upper deck with a cabin. The cabin is accessed via a staircase from the passage. From the cabin has one view. The vehicle is parked across the back fence and gives the illusion of a recent landing. From the ship deck running cables on the balcony of the museum are thrown with hooks.

We seek an exhibition venue for this work from that date for a maximum period of 6 months. (For a longer period, the work should be treated). If you are interested or suggestions contact us or Paul Segers of the New Front Brabants mail: