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Toyo Ito for Yamagiwa

Toyo Ito for Yamagiwa

Live from Milan: Japanese architect Toyo Ito has designed Mayuhana, a light featuring a triple skin of delicate fibre mesh, for Yamagiwa (see previous post).

Once again, photos are by Nacasa & Partners.

Here is a short product description provided by Yamagiwa:


This series was created by reeling string around a mold the way thread is spun off a cocoon. The softness of the light reminiscent of a traditional Japanese portable paper lantern (Bon-bori) is enhanced by the light coming through the double and triple shelters, and brings to mind the image of light depicted in Junichiro Tanizaki’s “In Praise of Shadows" (In-ei Raisan).

>> see all dezeen's coverage of Milan 2007 here.

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